CLEARas usual but before turning the key, flash your landing light three times, then leave it on
flaps identified and up
Threat | Error | Management | Mitigation |
Disorientation | Over-reliance on unreliable visual reference | Instrument scan, Communication | Rely on instruments during upwind or when no reliable visual reference |
Runway Illusions | Lack of awareness of visual illusions and perception | Practice night visual approach | Go-around if not stabilised at 500ft |
Airborne Traffic Conflict | Getting behind the aircraft, failing to communicate | Stay ahead of the aircraft | Manage the aircraftm circuit, communicate and listen out |
Collision During Taxi | Taxiing too fast and/or while fixated | Taxi slowly | Taxi only after visual scan of surroundings and at appropriate speed |
Engine Failure in Circuit | Mechanical failure of the engine | Monitor instruments for operations normal | Have a plan for upwind, remain within glide distance of the runway |